Tags Testing

Tag: testing

Apple partners with Volkswagen on driverless vehicles

Apple has reportedly signed a deal with Volkswagen to make self-driving vehicles. At present, the agreement is believed to centre on Volkswagen’s T6 transporters,...

Driverless cars could create 100,000 jobs in Ireland – report

Embracing driverless car technologies could create up to 100,000 jobs in Ireland, according to a report by professional services and engineering firm, Arup. The report...

Toyota halts autonomous car tests after Uber accident

NEWSBYTE: Toyota has suspended testing its Chauffeur driverless car system on US roads. The move follows the death of a pedestrian who was hit by...

TestPlant CEO: IoT has broken the established IT testing model

Dr John Bates, CEO of testing automation company TestPlant, spoke at the recent Nutanix Next 2017 conference about the end-to-end realities of putting IoT systems through...

Is a programmer now a ‘developer of things’?

The architects of our technology-driven world are programmers, coders, developers, software engineers - call them by your moniker of choice. But how do the people behind...