Tags Insurtech

Tag: insurtech

Insurance: InsurTech collaboration is key to the future

Insurance companies are increasingly seizing the opportunities presented by InsurTech disruptors, rather than warning against the challenges they pose. The shift has seen an increase...

Aon: Insurtech start-ups will help, not disrupt, insurance stalwarts

Expertise in IoT, robotics, artificial intelligence and advanced analytics will be the defining feature of the most successful insurance companies of the future –...

Satsafe keeping motorists safer in North West England

Start-up Satsafe makes the regular in-vehicle black box redundant by taking its concept a step further and opening up new opportunities to keep drivers...

Humans and machines should be colleagues, not competitors

IoB Insiders Andy Yeoman, CEO at Concirrus, discusses the role of human/machine collaboration in the workplace of the future. It’s just one month since International Workers Day...

AI and IoT snatch almost half of insurtech investment in 2016

Almost half of global investment in insurtech (insurance technology) start-ups involves artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), according to research from management...

Insurance: With ‘connected policies’, who owns IoT data?

IoB Insiders Andy Yeoman, CEO at Concirrus, discusses why the current insurance business model is under threat, why  'connected policies' are the future, and why data...

Why insurance needs verification speed for IoT, fast

IoB Insiders Steve Sandquist discusses the impact of IoT in insurance, and the need for verification speed, fast. Insurance is becoming real-time, real fast. What does...

10 leading partnerships driving IoT adoption in insurance

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making its mark on many industries, but few have been able to latch onto its coattails as easily or...