Tags Facebook

Tag: Facebook

Microsoft and Facebook team up on open-source AI

In a change of course, Microsoft is to start working more closely with Facebook on open-source AI. The two companies had previously been competing,...

Facebook working on augmented reality headset

Intel and Google are just two of the technology giants to have tried and failed to take the concept of smart glasses into the...

The data self | The connected world and mobility: Ethical challenges

OPINION Simon Rogerson, professor emeritus in Computer Ethics at the Centre for Computing & Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, explains why 'the data self'...

Emotional A.I: Mei messaging assistant warns of personality changes

Malek Murison reports on how a new AI system, Mei, could help people understand each other better when they use technology to communicate. But...

UPDATED | Google at 20: Going back to its roots as...

UPDATED 12 SEPTEMBER As Google turns 20 with a new search engine launch, Chris Middleton looks at what it has been up to lately...

Healthtech: Facebook developing AI to make MRI scans 10 times faster

Evidence that Facebook has ambitions beyond its core business of social networking emerged this week, with technology development that stands to benefit society as...

Is Facebook asking banks to share users’ financial data?

Facebook has reportedly approached several large US banks, asking them to share detailed financial data about their customers, including bank balances and card transactions. In...

Zuckerberg at bay: Is Facebook too big to fail? | Analysis

Internet of Business says The question ‘Is Facebook to big to fail?’ is on Wall Street's mind, in the wake of a torrid week for...

Facebook to launch internet satellite Athena

According to emails obtained from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Facebook is working on a low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite that will provide...

Airbus Zephyr: Solar-powered ‘pseudo-satellite’ takes flight

Aerospace giant Airbus has unveiled a solar-powered solution for stratospheric satellite-like services. The Zephyr High Altitude Psuedo-Satellite (HAPS) was shown off for the first time...

Facebook buys Bloomsbury AI to tackle fake news

NEWSBYTE Facebook is buying artificial intelligence startup Bloomsbury AI in a bid to combat fake news, according to a report by TechCrunch. The social network...

California passes landmark data privacy act. GDPR for USA?

The citizens of Silicon Valley have won round one of a battle against Google and Facebook, as California introduces new state data privacy laws,...