Tags Digital Catapult

Tag: Digital Catapult

IIoT: Digital Catapult launches connected factory trial

Digital Catapult has joined forces with two UK manufacturers, Dyer Engineering and Special Metals Wiggin, to demonstrate the potential of industrial internet of things...

What Budget 2018 means for Big Tech, AI, transportation and smart...

Internet of Business says News sites are awash with the announcement that tech giants Apple, Amazon, and Google will be required to pay a new...

5G on Sea: Brighton becomes latest testbed for next-gen communications

Tech innovation centre Digital Catapult has launched the UK’s latest 5G testbed in Brighton & Hove, with the Coast to Capital local enterprise partnership,...

Digital Catapult forms AI ethics committee

Digital Catapult, the UK’s leading advanced digital technology innovation centre, has appointed the country’s first applied artificial intelligence (AI) ethics committee, in order to...

Digital Catapult & The Things Network expand UK LPWAN coverage

NEWSBYTE Digital Catapult, via its Things Connected initiative, has teamed up with The Things Network (TTN) to create the UK’s largest free-to-use LoRaWAN network. Digital...

Lack of national LPWAN rollout leaves UK in a Catch-22

The UK has historically been a leader in telecoms, but it has lagged behind in low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) development. This is unfortunate, given...

20 VR and AR projects given up to £20,000 each by...

Twenty virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) projects have been given up to £20,000 of funding by CreativeXR, a programme...

Digital Catapult selects start-ups to join Machine Intelligence Garage

Digital Catapult, the not-for-profit body that focuses on helping UK businesses to scale up, has selected the first start-ups to join its Machine Intelligence...

Digital Catapult opens doors on Machine Intelligence Garage

Digital Catapult has today launched Machine Intelligence Garage, a program to develop artificial intelligence and machine learning start-ups in the UK. Digital Catapult is a...

Digital Catapult to launch three new networks in UK

Digital Catapult has unveiled plans to establish three LPWANs in the UK with help from local partners.  Government-funded technology innovation centre Digital Catapult  is...

Digital Catapult expands LPWAN program for councils and enterprises

Digital Catapult is to expand its Things Connected low-power wide area network (LPWAN) program to councils and enterprises in the UK. The organization, a not-for-profit...

London Zoo turns to IoT to tackle global poaching menace

Non-profit tech organisation Digital Catapult has announced it is working with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), keepers of London Zoo, to develop next-generation,...