Tags China

Tag: China

GSMA: China set to dominate IIoT market

Telecoms industry group GSMA has published a report on China's emerging dominance of the global Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) market. The report, The Industrial...

China’s dove drones take surveillance to new heights

Emerging technologies tend to be wielded by governments and the military before the general population even know of their existence. In China, the state is...

Bringing home the bacon: Alibaba brings AI platform to pig farming

Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba has officially launched an agricultural AI platform, ET Agricultural Brain, to allow farmers to better monitor, understand, and react to the...

Robots & AI creating more jobs in Asia than they destroy

The belief that robots, automation, and AI simply displace jobs and make humans irrelevant is not borne out in Asia, reports Chris Middleton. However,...

The Great Firewall: China looks to AI to censor online material

Much is made of the ability of artificial intelligence to automate monotonous tasks. Powered by machine learning algorithms, bots can churn through huge amounts...

Massive fall of consumer trust in driverless cars, says AAA

Serious accidents involving self-driving cars have damaged US trust in the technology, according to a new survey. The latest report from the American Automobile Association’s...

Chinese city launches $16 billion artificial intelligence fund

Tianjin, a major port city in northeastern China, has unveiled plans to launch a 100 billion yuan ($16 billion) fund to bolster the local artificial...

How startups aim to help retailers beat Amazon and Alibaba at...

The cashier-less store space is currently dominated by Amazon and China's Alibaba. But, as Scott Thompson reports, a number of startups have entered the...

Waymo will own 60% of driverless market by 2030, claims UBS

Investment bank UBS believes Waymo will dominate the driverless car market by 2030, reports Sooraj Shah. However, Internet of Business believes they may be...

Robotics firm closes $820 million investment, backed by Tencent

A humanoid robot manufacturing firm has closed one of the world's biggest robotics and artificial intelligence investment campaigns. UBTECH Robotics, which develops a range of...

Alibaba brings smart assistant to Daimler, Audi and Volvo cars

Chinese retail giant Alibaba has signed a deal with Daimler, Audi, and Volvo for the use of its smart assistant in their cars. The solution,...

Why Alibaba’s ‘New Retail’ revolution is all about AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being implemented as a part of Alibaba’s New Retail strategy, blending the online and offline worlds to create seamless...