Tags Banking

Tag: Banking

Blockchain and Internet of Things used to make interbank trade

Banks claim to have used Internet of Things and Blockchain technology to make the first cryptocurrency trade after several years of testing. Commonwealth Bank of...

Lloyds is banking on Virtual Reality to attract top grads

Lloyds Banking Group is to use virtual reality (VR) headsets to separate the wheat from the chaff when recruiting graduates. The first intake to face...

IoT isn’t a game-changer for the financial services sector – CapitalOne...

Rob Harding says IoT trails behind the likes of big data, machine learning and AI in importance to CapitalOne. The Internet of Things (IoT) isn’t...

The top ten IoT acquisitions of 2016

The Internet of Things (IoT) vendor ecosystem is booming in 2016, and serious money is being pumped into M&As and industry partnerships. IoB looks...

How to ensure IoT success by answering three key questions 

AT&T Europe’s John Vladimir Slamecka argues that IoT doesn’t have to be difficult – in fact it can be conquered relatively easily with support...

Building the foundation for IoT through LPWA networks

GSMA’s Shane Rooney looks at how LPWA networks can help in the simple and cost-effective roll-out of IoT devices. It feels like the Internet of...

IT managers fear shortage of IoT skills, report says

According to a report published this week, companies and IT managers fear that their staff lack the skills and understanding to be able to...

Blame the skills gap? Businesses failing to take advantage of IoT...

A new study published this week claims firms that want to use IoT data to help them improve product quality are failing to execute on...

10 innovative technologies changing the face of retail banking

IoT, Big Data and Blockchain are just some of the technologies changing retail banking. IoB looks at how these newer technologies are transforming how we exchange and...

How you can really finance your company’s IoT deployment

BNP Paribas’ Tristin Watkins looks at how your company can finance an IoT deployment. The Internet of Things (IoT) may hold great promise for businesses,...

This study suggests some enterprises are flying blind with IoT

Businesses are increasingly adopting Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, even if some don’t yet truly understand the benefits they can bring to their company. That’s one...

IoT skills gap drives growing demand for freelancers

The Internet of Things (IoT) skills gap is resulting in a big drive for freelancers, according to freelance website Upwork. The firm, which claims to...