Tags Amazon

Tag: Amazon

Amazon Echo Dot review: Smart home assistant shows teenage potential

Internet of Business Editor Doug Drinkwater reviews the Amazon Echo Dot – the $49 voice assistant threatening to make your home smart, and your...

Intel bets big on IoT transforming the future of retail

Global semiconductor giant, Intel, has launched the Intel Responsive Retail Platform (IRRP) to improve the personalized in-store shopping experience. Speaking at NRF 2017, Intel CEO,...

Smart home revenue to top $190bn by 2021

A new report from Juniper Research predicts that global revenues for smart home hardware and services are set to grow from $83 billion this...

Lost jobs but happier customers — insurance embraces AI and IoT

An insurance company in Japan replaced 34 employees with AI, while a European insurer has developed a skill for Amazon's Echo. What awaits insurers...

Asos chairman Brian McBride: IoT in retail a slow-burner

Asos chairman and former Amazon.co.uk CEO Brian McBride looks at the future of retail technology in an exclusive interview with Internet of Business, and...

Amazon Echo murder case marks the death of privacy as we...

A landmark murder case is being built around the data collected by Amazon Echo and other smart home devices, a clear sign that police...

Amazon Go will bring the great shoplifter experience to customers

IoB Insiders – Nick Lansley says retailers must concentrate on reducing the friction for shoppers, using the example of the new Amazon Go store, if...

French postal service given go-ahead to start drone deliveries

The French postal service, Le Groupe La Poste, has been given the go-ahead to begin a weekly drone delivery service. The French postal service will soon...

Retailers prepare for dogfight as Amazon completes first drone delivery

Amazon has completed its first commercial drone delivery, taking place in Cambridge, United Kingdom, and going from warehouse to delivery in just 13 minutes. The...

Microsoft wants to take on Amazon and Google with smart home...

Interest in smart home technology is constantly growing with tech giants like Amazon and Google having already announced their offerings, but now Microsoft wants...

Amazon Go looks to IoT to eliminate queues at the checkout

Sensors coupled with machine learning and cameras at the new Amazon Go store in Seattle could mean the end of workers at the till. Online...

It’s time for retailers to wake-up – and embrace the Amazon...

IoB Insiders The Internet of Things has crept up on consumers quietly. For all the talk of a "smart home" and "connected devices", several...