Tags Amazon Go

Tag: Amazon Go

Retail IoT: The new cashier-free stores transforming shopping

Cashier-free stores are shaping up to be the future of retail – but that future is likely to be led by China, as Jessica...

How startups aim to help retailers beat Amazon and Alibaba at...

The cashier-less store space is currently dominated by Amazon and China's Alibaba. But, as Scott Thompson reports, a number of startups have entered the...

Amazon Go store previews the future of retail in Seattle

At the new Amazon Go store in Seattle, the retail giant is attempting to change the way we shop. No more waiting in line,...

Morrisons uses artificial intelligence to stock its stores and drive sales

UK supermarket Morrisons is using artificial intelligence from predictive applications company Blue Yonder to replenish stock in its stores. In a bid to drive efficiency...

Intel bets big on IoT transforming the future of retail

Global semiconductor giant, Intel, has launched the Intel Responsive Retail Platform (IRRP) to improve the personalized in-store shopping experience. Speaking at NRF 2017, Intel CEO,...

Amazon Go will bring the great shoplifter experience to customers

IoB Insiders – Nick Lansley says retailers must concentrate on reducing the friction for shoppers, using the example of the new Amazon Go store, if...

Amazon Go looks to IoT to eliminate queues at the checkout

Sensors coupled with machine learning and cameras at the new Amazon Go store in Seattle could mean the end of workers at the till. Online...