Qualcomm has introduced the Snapdragon 820E embedded platform, a computing solution designed for enterprise IoT applications. Its Qualcomm Adreno 540 GPU and quad-core Kyro CPU will provide multicore processing for computer vision, virtual reality, and AI applications.
The Snapdragon 820E platform aims to bring Qualcomm Technologies’ expertise in mobile connectivity to the commercial IoT market. The new embedded platform is designed to support connected computing and provide the powerful, energy-efficient processing required to handle some of the latest technologies.
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Targeting next-gen IoT
With the ability to power computer vision, artificial intelligence, and immersive media, the target applications are broad. According to Qualcomm, they include “the next generation of IoT applications, such as virtual reality, digital signage, smart retail, robotics, and more.”
“We are excited to introduce the award-winning premium tier Snapdragon 820 platform series to our extended life embedded portfolio, helping innovators everywhere to create exciting and innovative IoT products,” said Jim Tran, senior vice president of product management, Qualcomm Technologies.
“The Snapdragon 820E is a powerful and versatile embedded platform that is designed to support both complex connected computing and immersive visual graphics, while providing the ultimate in performance and power efficiency that is ideal for small form factors and a wide variety of cutting-edge IoT applications.”
Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 820E embedded platform is being introduced to the market via third-party distributors, and initially through Arrow Electronics.
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