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Small changes make big savings in the Internet of Sensors

Small changes make big savings in the Internet of Sensors

TTP's Steve Taylor argues that the focus should be on the Internet of Sensors (IoS), not the Internet of Things (IoT) and explores the...

Managing IoT devices at scale in the energy sector

Pilgrim Beart explores how the energy industry is looking to the IoT to meet our future energy demands and some of the challenges it...
Enough of the gimmicks - now insurers must make sense of IoT

Will insurers embrace the Internet of Things?

The insurance industry has suffered continual disruption from new entrants powered by innovative technology and this is set to continue with the advent of...

IoT start-up funding on the rise

A report by CB Insights data estimates that the IoT will cover between 20 and 30 billion devices by 2020 – offering plenty of...
The insurance industry is facing up to digital disruption and the Internet of Things. -Why insurers should listen to Bob Dylan – and embrace IoT

Why insurers should listen to Bob Dylan – and embrace IoT

The insurance industry is facing up to digital disruption and the Internet of Things. IBM’s Tony Boobier explains why insurers should act fast –...

Why businesses are waking up to the Internet of Things

Businesses of all sizes and sectors are looking at the Internet of Things in a bid to be more efficient, productive and profitable. But...

The Internet of Things is disrupting these three industries. Here’s how

The potential of the Internet of Things is only now being realised in business – and there’s a lot more to come, says Tony...